In this post, we summarize an article published on the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation website.
Dr. Scott Lear explores 6 common misconceptions about exercise and the facts to help you stay healthy. This article has been summarized from an article published on the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation website.
We all know that exercise is good for us, but most of us still don’t get enough. Read on for some insight into common misconceptions and the facts.
Myth: Exercise takes too much time
Fact: As little as 20 – 30 minutes of activity to get your heart and breathing rates up is all you need; and you don’t have to do it all at once! Breaking activity up into chunks throughout the day is just as beneficial. An exercise snack can be as little as 30 seconds.
Investing in as little as 75 minutes of exercise per week can add another 1.8 years to your life. That’s six minutes of extended life for every one minute of exercise.
Myth: You have to go to the gym
Fact: The gym is not the only option for getting some physical activity. The most accessible way to exercise is simply walking. You don’t need any special equipment – just go out your door. The pandemic has also shown us how we can adapt to at-home exercise. Use milk jugs as weights, and try consulting YouTube or Instagram to turn your family room into a fitness studio.
Myth: The more you sweat, the better
Fact: The amount that you sweat depends on weather conditions as much as on how hard you’re exercising. Focus on elevating your heart rate and breathing rate.
Myth: Exercise needs to hurt to bring results
Muscle soreness is not the sign of a great workout or your fitness level. As your muscles get used to an activity, they’ll adapt and be less likely to feel sore. Staying hydrated and getting quality sleep will help.
Myth: Strength training is only for bodybuilders
The World Health Organization recommends strengthening activities twice weekly. Try resistance bands or anything you can find in your kitchen pantry. You can also do exercises using your own body weight (think standing up from a chair).
It’s never too late to start. Even people over the age of 90 can benefit from strength training.
Myth: Morning is the best time to exercise
While it’s the most popular time to exercise, morning need not be the only time you can fit exercise into your day. Exercising in the morning can increase daily productivity and help you get to sleep faster. However, as the day goes on, your body’s temperature increases. This can lead to stronger muscle contraction and greater exercise efficiency.
In the end, the best time to exercise is when it fits into your daily schedule.