In this post we introduce a new toolkit published by the Employee and Family Assistance provider, Homewood Health called Managing Change and COVID-19 Update.

September is generally a time for new beginnings. A return to school a new phase of life and after summer vacation, may be returning to the office. New beginnings come with added stress of new routines and expectations, but this year much like last September, we have additional stressors brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Shifts over the past year with parents struggling to accommodate at home while juggling online work. Meanwhile some kids are struggling with a return to in-class learning because they are afraid or adapting to social situations.
At the same time, employers and employees are trying to draft return to work plans that may have been put on hold or navigate how social gatherings will take place.
Homewood Health has put together a comprehensive publication, Managing Change and COVID-19 Update, to help guide us through our current reality.
Topics include everything from navigating child-focused years to retirement to keeping your love alive. With practical tips and helpful strategies, we recommend sharing this resource with your team and family to help smooth the bumpy road.