Like many of you, Vital Partners has risen to the challenge of adapting to our new way of working in order to safeguard clients and employees. Although we’ve missed the personal touch of face-to-face meetings, we’ve found ways to collaborate with our clients remotely.
As we look ahead, we’ve taken measures to ensure that we continue to follow best practices outlined by health authorities to keep everyone safe while continuing to serve you.
Our common spaces are cleaned frequently, and a hand hygiene space is set up at the front door
Our team members have the option of continuing to work remotely at home, and we have developed a schedule to allow team members to work in the office while maintaining physical distancing
We’ve adopted policies around non-essential travel and out-of-country travel, and sickness to allow employees to self-assess and stay home if they are experiencing any symptoms of the virus
Clients can meet with us virtually and many of the insurers have modified requirements to facilitate non-face-to-face applications.
We look forward to connecting with you and maintaining our continued collaborative partnership. Thank you as always for your business and your trust.
The Vital Partners Team